It's been quite a while since I was away from blogging. I know, I have missed many interesting incident that I should have written over here. Writing down a couple of incidence of gupta's invincible humour.

Gupta talked to me one day about a new victim of his humour. He was describing how he stumped a girl from orange who called him regarding advantages of post-paid plans. Here is how it goes....
It was early morning ( Though it was 10'o clock, it must be considered early morning according to gupta's routine ) when gupta's mobile rang.
xyz : Hello sir, sorry to disturb you but I will only take two minutes of your time.
Gupta ( he must have chuckled knowing his prey is coming on its own to be hunted :D ) : Ok go ahead
xyz : Sir, I am nisha, callling from orange. According to our records you are using our prepaid services. I guess you must be using 300 Rs Prepaid coupons to recharge your mobile phone
Gupta : Who said I am using 300 Rs Prepaid coupons to recharge my mobile??
xyz : Oh... then which coupon do you use to recharge?
Gupta : 500 Rs
xyz : Ok sir, if you using 500 Rs coupon then you must be getting talk time around 300 but according to our new scheme....
Gupta ( interrupting the girl ) : Who said that I get talk time of only 300 on 500 rs coupon?
xyz ( quite puzzled by now ) : Ok sir, so under which scheme are you using 500 rs coupon?
Gupta : Sorry young lady, your two minutes are over :D

He did not had to wait too long for the same. The opportunity rang on his mobile ( or knocked his door.. or whtever you call it is ) . I was sitting there in his room checking my mails. He was fast asleep because the sun was not set yet :D. Tring tring... tring tring...( Now, this is not how his mobile rings .. but I do not know how to mimic it in words.. so you have to bear with me ). Gupta woke up with an unpleasant expression, ( He must be thinking in a rage " Kis gustakh ne aisi harkat ki hai?? " ). "Hello Sir, I am nisha speaking from orange, I wanted to let you know about a new postpaid plan which is ... " said a girl with a sweet, calm voice ( without having any clue of what is going to happen the next moment ) was interrupted by gupta. "Why dont we discuss this over a cup of coffee?? ". There you go my friend... I was laughing my a** out uttering in my mind "ye laga chhakka aur gupta phir champion". Obviously the girl was stunned and could not speak anything for at least 7-8 second. She said "Oh! my GOD!!!" after composing herself a bit. She repeated the phrase a couple of more times. "Sir please, pahele plan sun lijiye" she pleaded. "So you dont like coffeee??" said gupta, not in a mood to let go. "Sir , plan sun lijiye na... pleeeaazze", an intense pleading this time. "But I like coffee", gupta remained unaffected. Some more request from the girl and some more teasing from gupta went on for a while. Finally gupta blew her off saying he is not interested in listening to her "plans" if she is not interested in his coffee.
This made it clear to me why gupta is not having any luck with gals :D. I wonder whether there exist a girl who can understand and appreciate gupta's humour. Anyways, no wonder he has to end his day by having a cup of coffee with saket :D.